Nagham Mahmoud Abudayyah
نغم محمود أبودية The martyr, Nagham Mahmoud Abudayyah, 17 years old Nagham was very special to those who knew her,…
نغم محمود أبودية The martyr, Nagham Mahmoud Abudayyah, 17 years old Nagham was very special to those who knew her,…
أسيد طارق أنيس الريماوي The martyr, Asid Tareq Anis AlRimawi, 17 years old. The young boy, Asid Tareq Anis AlRimawi…
سلمى الشنباري The martyr, Salma AlShanbaari, 3 years old. A relative wrote: Salma AlShanbari, the child I previously mentioned born…
رمضان أشرف عيسى أبومشايخ “The martyr, the child Ramadan Ashraf Issa Abu Mashaikh, 12 years old. This child was martyred…
ركان زاهر فتحي ابو عمرة “The martyr, the little child Rakan Zaher Fathi Abu Omra, a year and a half…
دينا محمد وافي The martyr, child Jana Mohammed Wafi, 8 years old. The martyr, child Dina Mohammed Wafi, 3 years…
أية أحمد حربي الكحلوت The beautiful child martyr, Aya Ahmad Harbi AlKahlot, 8 years old. “And never think of those…
جنا محمد وافي The martyr, child Jana Mohammad Wafi, 8 years old. The martyr, child Dina Mohammad Wafi, 3 years…
عمرو عبد الفتاح أبوحسين “The martyr, the child Amr Abdul Fattah Abu Hussein, 16 years old. Amr Abdel Fattah Abu…
إيمان محمد حسين عبدالله البتي “The martyrs, the children: Eileen Mohammad Hussein Abdullah AlBiti, 6 years old, and Iman Mohammad…