Layan Mohammad Abdullah Abu Hatab
ليان محمد عبدالله أبو حطب Layan Mohammad Abdullah Abu Hatab The child martyr, Mohammad Mohammad Abdullah Abu Hatab, 9…
ليان محمد عبدالله أبو حطب Layan Mohammad Abdullah Abu Hatab The child martyr, Mohammad Mohammad Abdullah Abu Hatab, 9…
سلمى الشنباري The martyr, Salma AlShanbaari, 3 years old. A relative wrote: Salma AlShanbari, the child I previously mentioned born…
جمال حماد صلاح Gamal Hammad Salah The child martyr, Hamza Hammad Salah, 14 years old. The child martyr, Gamal…
وليد اسماعيل رضوان Walid Ismail Radwan The young martyr, Walid Ismail Radwan, 18 years old. The young man, Walid…
رمضان أشرف عيسى أبومشايخ “The martyr, the child Ramadan Ashraf Issa Abu Mashaikh, 12 years old. This child was martyred…
ركان زاهر فتحي ابو عمرة “The martyr, the little child Rakan Zaher Fathi Abu Omra, a year and a half…
دينا محمد وافي The martyr, child Jana Mohammed Wafi, 8 years old. The martyr, child Dina Mohammed Wafi, 3 years…
أية أحمد حربي الكحلوت The beautiful child martyr, Aya Ahmad Harbi AlKahlot, 8 years old. “And never think of those…
سليم أحمد عيد وافي Salim Ahmed Eid Wafi “The martyr, the child Salim Ahmed Eid Wafi, 3 and a…
The child martyr, Tariq Ismail Al-Derawi, 4 years old This innocent child, who committed no sin or crime, was martyred….