Lama Raed Qaddoura
لما رائد قدورة Twins Sama and Lama Qaddoura, only two weeks old, were killed by Israeli missiles in #Gaza, along…
لما رائد قدورة Twins Sama and Lama Qaddoura, only two weeks old, were killed by Israeli missiles in #Gaza, along…
عائشة عماد أبومعزة The martyr, the infant Aisha Imad Abu Ma’zah, one year old. Martyr Imad Abu alMa’zah was a…
حنان محمد عبد الحكيم عصفور Hanan Mohamed Abdul Hakim Asfour The martyred child Tasnim Mohamed Abdel Hakeem Asfour, 14 years…
زين هشام بسام الفرا In the name of God, the most beneficent, the most merciful {And do not count those…
The twin sisters Maria and Masa Khalil AboHashim were martyred with William Ranim AboZanad, after the occupation forces invaded their…
ID The twin sisters Maria and Masa Khalil AboHashim were martyred with William Ranim AboZanad, after the occupation forces invaded…
حور العين أحمد حازم المدهون Martyr Hoor AlAyn Ahmed Hazem AlMadhoun Elegy by her father for her and his wife:…
علي أبو شاور Ali Abushawar Ali Abushawar, the beautiful child who did not even complete his first year or even…
مازن الطويل Mazen AlTaweel Through cooperation with one of the medical staff who was present at Al-Nasr Hospital in northern…
دلال محمد عزات عبد الرزاق المناعمة The beautiful child martyr, Dalal Mohammad Ezzat AbdulRazzaq AlManama, one year old. This innocent…