Karam Raed Farhat

كرم رائد فرحات Karam Raed Farhat
كرم رائد فرحات Karam Raed Farhat

كرم رائد فرحات Karam Raed Farhat


The martyr Karam Raed Farhat.
A lion to his nation, ascetic from this world and desiring the afterlife. He was cautious in his words, dealings, knowledge, and work, and even in his jihad. He was a martyr walking the earth. I saw nothing from him except patience, gratitude, and praise for the trial. He used to recite God’s verses as if they were messages that brought tranquility to his heart. He was injured before Two years with serious injuries, and when his wound healed, he came back stronger and more severe as we knew him. Karam was kind to his parents and could not live without their happiness. He was a friend to adults, a role model for young people, and a caregiver for children. He reached out to relatives and visited the sick, initiating joys and supporting sorrows. Abu Islam passed away as a martyr on Tuesday, 10-31-2023.

الشهيد كرم رائد فرحات.
أسدٌ بأمة، زاهد عن الدنيا راغبٌ في الآخرة، متورعٌ في كلامه وتعامله وعلمِهِ وعمَلِه، وحتى في جهاده، كان شهيداً يسيرُ على الأرض، ما رأيتُ منه إلا الصبر والشكر والثناء على الإبتلاء، فكان يرتل آيات الله وكأنها رسالاتٌ تنُزل السكينة على قلبه، أصيب قبل عامين بإصابات خطيرة، وعندما صحَّ جرحه عاد أقوى وأشد كما عرفناه.
كان كرم باراً بوالديه لا يطيب له عيشٌ إلا بسعادتهما، صديقٌ للكبار وقدوة للشباب ومربيٌ للأطفال، يصل الرحم ويعود المريض، مبادراً بالأفراح ومؤازرًا بالأتراح. مضى أبو إسلام شهيدًا يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 31- 10 -2023.

Karam Raed Farhat

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