Tia Mamdouh Mohammed AboJazar

تيا ممدوح محمد أبو جزر Tia Mamdouh Mohammed AboJazar
تيا ممدوح محمد أبو جزر Tia Mamdouh Mohammed AboJazar

ID: 444484778

تيا ممدوح محمد أبو جزر Tia Mamdouh Mohammed AboJazar

The innocent angel, the martyred child Tia Mamdouh Mohammed AboJazar, who had not yet celebrated her first birthday, was martyred along with her twin brother Mohammed and their mother on October 17, 2023. This left the father alone in mourning. The devastated father expresses his grief:

“The first Friday passes without you. All praise is due to Allah until He is pleased, O my Lord. Here is a message to Muslims all over the world: Imagine with me this reality, a few hours separating you from seeing your children and your wife. You wake up to the news of their martyrdom, finding nothing of them or their bodies. Have you imagined this for yourself? These children, O Muslims, are being torn to pieces. What has truly happened to the state of the oppressive Jews?

🤲O Allah, show us in the Jews and those who support them a dark day. Heal our hearts by seeing the limbs of their children, O Lord. Their regret for their children and women, O Lord.

I say only what pleases our Lord: ‘To Allah we belong, and to Him, we shall return.’ And Allah is Sufficient for us, and He is the best Disposer of affairs. May Allah unite me with you in goodness, O Lord. You are the dearest to my heart.

He speaks to himself, shocked by the magnitude of the tragedy:
The last time I saw them was just hours before their martyrdom. My wife and I went for a walk, and we returned home. I didn’t know it was their last few hours, but, by Allah, my heart was tightened because I saw changes in their faces, and affection and warmth filled the place. We had dinner together at one table, and I sat talking with them. Afterward, when I left and said goodbye to my children while they were still asleep, I saw in their eyes a look of longing and parting at the same moment. My wife, Alia, called me (my affectionate wife) and said, ‘Come, I want to hug and kiss you.’ She kissed my hands, hugged me, and said, ‘Sleep for one night without us.’ I told her, ‘Tomorrow, I’ll be back.’ And I left.

I didn’t know it was our last meeting. So, all praise is due to Allah in every circumstance. And this video is of my daughter just hours before her martyrdom.”

الملاك البريء، الطفلة الشهيدة تيا ممدوح محمد أبو جزر التي لم تجاوزت عامها الأول بشهورٍ قليلة، والتي استشهدت برفقة توأمها محمد وأيضًا برفقة أمها يوم 17-10-2023، ليبقى الأب وحيدًا مكلومًا، وهكذا نرى الأب المصدوم يُعبر عن أحزانه:
أول جمعه تمر عليا بدونكم
الحمد لله حتي ترضا يا ربي
وهنا رساله الي المسلمين بكل العالم
#تخيل معي هذا الواقع ساعات تفصلك
عن رؤية ابنائك و زوجتك تستيقظ من النوم علي خبر استشهادهم فلا تجد منهم و من جثامينهم شى (هل تخيلت هذا لنفسك
👈هؤلاء الاطفال يا مسلم تقطعو اشلاء
👈ماذا فعلا لدولة اليهود الطغايه .
🤲اللهم ارنا في اليهود و من عاونهم يوم اسودا اشفي صدورنا برؤية اشلاء اطفالهم يارب
حسرهم علي اطفالهم ونسائهم يارب

ولا اقول الا ما يرضى ربنا
انا لله وانا اليه رجعون
وحسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
الله يلحقني فيكم علي خير يارب
حبايب قلبي انتو
ويتحدث مع ذاته مصدومًا من هول الفاجعة:
اخر مرة شفتهم فيها كانت قبل ساعات من استشهادهم. اخرجت زوجتي الي الشارع نتمشى وعدنا الي البيت لم اكن اعلم انها اخر ساعات ولكن والله كان قلبي مقبوض
لاني رايتهم كلهم وجوههم متغيره والحنان والود يمئ المكان تغدينا مع بعض ع سفرة واحده وجلست اتحدث معهم وبعدها عندما جئت اخرج ودعت اولادي وهم نيام صحيو من النوم والله في عيونهم نظرة اشتياق وفراق بنفس اللحظه ونادت عليا (زوجتي الحنونه) وقالت تعال بدي احضنك وقبلت يدي واحتضنتي وقالت لي نام عنا ليلة وحده قولت الها بكرا برجع وخرجت
ولم اعلم انه اخر لقاء
فالحمد لله علي كل حال
وهذا المقطع لبنتي قبل استشهادها بساعات

Tia Mamdouh Mohammed AboJazar

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