Qassam AbdulLatif AlHajj

قسام عبد اللطيف الحاج Qassam AbdulLatif AlHajj
قسام عبد اللطيف الحاج Qassam AbdulLatif AlHajj

قسام عبد اللطيف الحاج

Martyr Qassam AbdulLatif AlHajj, 17 years old, a student in the Tawjihi stage, the youngest of the family. His surviving sister Lama wrote, saying that he was “Mama and Papa’s favorite… Qassam was afflicted with cranberry disease in his intestines when he was 9 years old, and this was what we feared most for Qassam. We were afraid that his illness would develop to a serious stage, and we did not know that there was something we should have feared.” More than cherries. Israel killed Qassam when he was at the peak of his future, at the beginning of his journey to become a young man and complete his studies. Qassam was going to become a doctor after finishing high school. He was polite and shy, and excelled greatly in his studies. He had started studying for Grade 11 last July. Qassam loves football very much. He was a professional player and spent his free time playing football and going to the club. My mother always said, “This boy is my soul.”

Qassam loves football very much. He was a professional player and spent his free time playing football and going to the club. My mother always said, “This boy is my soul.” Israel took Qassam and my mother’s soul on November 21, 2023. Qassam is not a number. Qassam is my mother’s soul.

الشهيد قسام عبد اللطيف الحاج، 17 عامًا.. طالب في مرحلة توجيهي، صغير العائلة.
أرسلت شقيقته الناجية لمى، تقول إنه “المفضل عند ماما وبابا.. أصيب قسام و هو بعمر 9 سنوات بمرض الكرنز في أمعائه وكان هذا أكثر ما نخافه على قسام، نخاف أن يتطور مرضه لمرحلة خطيرة، ولم نكن نعلم أن هناك ما كان يجب أن نخافه أكثر من الكرنز.
إسرائيل قتلت قسام وهو في أوج مستقبله في بداية إنطلاقه ليصبح شاباً يافعاً، ويُكمل دراسته.. كان قسام سيصبح طبيباً بعد انتهائه من الثانوية العامة، كان خلوقًا وخجولًا، متفوقًا بدراسته كثيراً، كان قد بدأ الدراسة لسنة التوجيهي منذ شهر يوليو الماضي.
قسّام يُحبُ كرة القدم كثيراً.. كان لاعباً محترفاً يقضي أوقات فراغه في لعب الكرة و الذهاب للنادي.. أمي كانت دائماً تقول هذا الولد روحي فيه..
إسرائيل أخذت قسام و روح أمي في 21 نوڤمبر 2023، قسام ليس رقماً قسام روح أمي.

Qassam AbdulLatif AlHajj

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