Yumna Issa AlHarthani

يُمنى عيسى الحرثاني Yumna Issa AlHarthani
يُمنى عيسى الحرثاني Yumna Issa AlHarthani

يُمنى عيسى الحرثاني

Martyr Issa AlHarthani (Abu AlHarith) He is a memorizer of the Qur’an who is proficient in memorizing it. He has a license in the ten minor recitations. He is an imam of a mosque, a memorizer and a teacher of the Qur’an. He recites the entire Qur’an by heart in one sitting. He recounted it to his wife while she was in the last days of her pregnancy with his second daughter, “Yumna,” on October 6, one day before the war. Then, Yumna was born on the same day. November 1, 2023, and she was martyred along with her father, sister, and family. On November 19, Issa and 23 members of his family, including his two daughters, were martyred in Jabalia alBalad in an Israeli bombing of their house.

الشهيد عيسى الحرثاني (أبو الحارث)
حافظ للقرآن متقن لحفظه، عنده الإجازة بالقراءات العشر الصغرى، إمام مسجد ومحفظ ومعلم للقرآن، يسرد القرآن كاملا غيبا في جلسة واحدة، سرده على زوجته وهي في أيام حملها الأخيرة بابنته الثانية “يمنى” يوم 6 أكتوبر قبل الحرب بيوم واحد، ثم ولدت يمنى يوم 1 نوفمبر 2023 واستشهدت مع والدها وأختها وعائلتها.
استشهد عيسى بتاريخ 19 نوفمبر، و23 من أفراد عائلته منهم ابنتيه، في جباليا البلد في قصف إسرائيلي على منزلهم.

Yumna Issa AlHarthani

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