Tala Tamer Khalil AlAkka

تالا تامر خليل العكة Tala Tamer Khalil AlAkka
تالا تامر خليل العكة Tala Tamer Khalil AlAkka

تالا تامر خليل العكة

This is the uncle’s testimony, written honestly for history, so that the world knows the cruelty and despicableness of the Zionist army:

Three days ago, my father was digging with his hands in concrete and rubble, hoping to find his young son, Tamer Khalil Al-Akka, his wife, Hind Hassouna, and his children, “Tala, Zainab, and Khalil,” but to no avail. Tamer, the young brown beautiful man… Tamer and I were at each other’s heads, and when we grew up in our minds, my beloved, my brother Tamer, oh God, we all know how strong and active he is and loves movement. Since when they said, the entire square he is in has been bombed, and we have been saying, “No, of course, my brother is alive. My brother will emerge from the rubble alone. My brother, people.” Everything he knows how to do, and in every place he has lovers and friends. Every place and home he misses turns him into joy and joy. Any home he misses brings out broken appliances and tools until he fixes them with the expertise he gained from his experiences and fixes anything without any compensation. Everyone asks him for his services, and the amazing thing is that he always knows. He can manage his situation, there is always a new invention that he makes at home, and the stairs that turn it into a garden are as green as his soul, but why couldn’t he go out on his own this time? Why didn’t he come out and tell us easily, “I came to light up the house?” This is how he was accustomed to talking about the first time he left the house, and which house because every floor has a place to eat and something to eat, and the one who likes it eats it and praises it. Tamer is a gourmand, not of any food or clothing that he likes, and he makes something from nothing, but why didn’t it come out? We are not helpless. Tamer is strong, and my father is not powerless. My father has a contracting and equipment company. He has been working and living in the country for 40 years, but there is no fuel to bulldoze the entire area and bring up his son and grandchildren. Oh God, have mercy on my father and mother and give them patience. Where are you, Tamer, why didn’t you come out? Surely you were busy with your children, your loved ones, and you didn’t know how to save who or whom, and there is someone in the world who loves his children and pampers them as much as he can?? Come on, everyone, come on, come on, my love. Come on, we have not lost hope in you

هذه شهادة العم، يسطرها بصدق للتاريخ، وحتى يعرف العالم قسوة وحقارة الجيش الصهيوني:
من 3 أيام مضوا وأبويا بيحفر بايديه الباطون والأنقاض أملا في العثور على ابنه الشاب تامر خليل العكة وزوجته هند حسونة وأولاده “تالا وزينب وخليل” لكن دون جدوى،
تامر الشب الحلو الأسمراني… أنا وتامر على روس بعض كنا ناقر ونقير ولما كبرنا عقلنا، حبيبي أخويا تامر يالله كلنا بنعرف قديش هو قوي ونشيط وبحب الحركة، من لما قالوا انقصف كل المربع يلي متواجد فيه واحنا بنقول لااا أكيد أخويا عايش أخويا رح يطلع لحاله من الأنقاض، أخويا يااا ناس كل شي بعرف يعمل وبكل مكان الو فيه محبين وأصحاب، كل مكان وبيت بيفوته بيقلبه لمرح وفرح، أي بيت بفوته بتصير تطلع الأجهزة والأدوات المعطله حتى يصلحها بخبرته الي اكتسبها من تجاربه وبصلح أي شيء بدون أي مقابل، خدووم كل الناس بتطلب منه والعجيب انو دائما بعرف وبقدر يدبر حاله، دائما في اختراع جديد عامله بالبيت، والدرج الي حوله لجنينة خضرااا زي روحه، بس ليش هالمرة ما قدر يطلع لحاله ليش ما طلع يحكيلنا هيني “أنا اجيت نورت البيت” هيك كان متعود يحكي أول ما يفوت الدار ، وأي دار لأنو بكل الدور الو مطرح والو أكله، ونيالها الي بعجبه أكلها وبمدحه، تامر ذواااق مش أي أكل ولا لبس بعجبه، وبعمل من لاشيء شيء شيء، بس ليش يخو لهلقيت ما طلعت، احنا مش عاجزين وتامر قوي وأبويا الجبل مش عاجز أبويا عنده شركة مقاولات ومعدات.. ضل 40 سنة يشتغل ويعمر بهالبلد، بس مااا في وقود عشان يجرف المنطقة كلها ويطلع ابنه وأحفاده .. يااالله ترأف بأبويا وأمي وتصبرهم..
وينك يا تامر ليش ما طلعت .. أكيد انشغلت بأولادك حبايبك ما عرفت تنقذ مين ولا مين، وهو في حد بالدنيا بحب أولاده وبيدللهم قدك يخو؟؟ تعالو كلكم يلا يلا يخو حبيبي تعالو احنا ما فقدنا الأمل فيكم

Tala Tamer Khalil AlAkka

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