Mohammad Zakaria AlMuqiad

محمد زكريا المقيد

The martyr Muhammad Zakaria AlMuqiad… a paramedic in the Union of Health Care Committees… was returning from his shift to rest and was martyred in the bombing of his home. He was the best, most helpful and kind paramedic. He was martyred, but the family of his two children survived. Date of martyrdom 10/27/2023.

الشهيد محمد زكريا المقيد… مسعف في اتحاد لجان الرعاية الصحية.. كان عائدًا من مناوبته ليرتاح واستشهد في قصف بيته. كان نِعم المسعف الخدوم الطيب.. استشهد وبقيت عائلة أطفاله الاثنين. تاريخ الاستشهاد 27/10/2023.

Mohammad Zakaria AlMuqiad

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