Louay Majid Al-Sufi

لؤي ماجد الصوفي Louay Majid Al-Sufi
لؤي ماجد الصوفي Louay Majid Al-Sufi

لؤي ماجد الصوفي Louay Majid Al-Sufi


The child martyr, Louay Majid Al-Sufi, 16 years old.
The child Louay Al-Sufi (16 years old) from Ain Al-Sultan camp was martyred as a result of his injury by occupation bullets in, after the occupation army was targeted under live bullets during its storming of the camp. The martyr Louay Al-Sufi came from Jordan with the participation of his sister and his presence in front of the house of his brother in the camp of the martyr Louay Al-Sufi from Jordan to participate. His sister and his presence in front of his brother’s house in Ain Sultan camp. The occupation took a shot at him to become a martyr, today 14-1-2024.

الشهيد الطفل لؤي ماجد الصوفي، 16 سنة.
استشهد الطفل لؤي الصوفي (16 عاما) من مخيم عين السلطان، متأثرا بإصابته برصاص الاحتلال في الصدر، عقب استهداف قوات الاحتلال المواطنين بالرصاص الحي خلال اقتحامها المخيمالشهيد لؤي الصوفي قدم من الأردن لحضور مناسبة زواج شقيقته وأثناء تواجده امام منزل أخواله في مخيم عين السلطان قام الاحتلال بإطلاق النار عليه ليرتقي شهيدا، اليوم 14-1-2024.

Louay Majid Al-Sufi

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