Badr Mushtaha

بدر مشتهى Badr Mushtaha
بدر مشتهى Badr Mushtaha

بدر مشتهى

The martyr, child Badr Mushtaha, 13 years old.
Badr Mushtaha, with his cheerful face filled with hope, was a distinguished football player. His coach says he was one of the best players in his position at his age. On December 28, 2023, Israel assassinated him along with his dreams and aspirations, leaving behind a memory that time and years cannot erase.

الشهيد الطفل بدر مشتهى، 13 سنة.
بدر مشتهى ذو الوجه البشوش، الذي يملؤه الأمل، لاعب كرة قدم متميز، يقول مدربه أنه من أحسن اللاعبين في مركزه في هذا السن، في يوم 28-12-2023، اغتالته اسرائبل مع احلامه وطموحاته، ليبقى ذكرى لا تمحوها الأيام والسنين.

Badr Mushtaha

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