Mohammad Zaqout

محمد زقوت Mohammad Zaqout
محمد زقوت Mohammad Zaqout

محمد زقوت Mohammad Zaqout


The young martyr, Mohammad Zaqout, 18 years old.
Mohammad, 18 years old, was a brave young man who loved to work hard for his studies and his future. He was in his first year at university, and one of his dreams was to pursue his studies in software engineering. “He started his studies in the first semester, but he did not find pleasure in his studies or anticipation of graduation. Then the war came and the Israeli occupation targeted his family’s home, which led to the killing of his older brothers and the injury of his mother.” “After his injury, Mohammad began to recover, and he and his family took refuge in his uncle’s house, but the Israeli occupation once again targeted the house in which they were staying, which led to his father being injured.” “Mohammad went to save his father, but his wound opened and became infected after suffering from his injury. Mohammad was martyred on December 19.”

الشهيد الشاب محمد زقوت، 18 سنة.
محمد زقوت 18 سنة. “محمد كان شاباً شجاعاً يحب العمل ويجتهد من أجل دراسته ومستقبله. كان في السنة الأولى في الجامعة، وكان من أحلامه أن يتابع دراسته في هندسة البرمجيات”. “بدأ دراسته في الفصل الدراسي الأول، لكنه لم يجد متعة في دراسته أو ترقباً للتخرج. ثم جاءت الحرب واستهدف الاحتلال الإسرائيلي منزل عائلته، فاستشهد شقيقاه الأكبر منه، وهو و أصيبت والدته.” “وبعد إصابته، بدأ محمد يتعافى، ولجأ هو وعائلته إلى منزل عمهم، إلا أن الاحتلال الإسرائيلي استهدف مرة أخرى المنزل الذي كانوا يقيمون فيه، مما أدى إلى إصابة والده”. “محمد ذهب لإنقاذ والده لكن جرحه انفتح وتسمم بعد معاناته من إصابته. محمد استشهد في 19 ديسمبر”.

Mohammad Zaqout

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