Raghad Ahmed Naeem Al-Jabri

رغد أحمد نعيم الجبري Raghad Ahmed Naeem Al-Jabri
رغد أحمد نعيم الجبري Raghad Ahmed Naeem Al-Jabri

رغد أحمد نعيم الجبري Raghad Ahmed Naeem Al-Jabri


The martyr: the child Raghad Ahmed Naeem Al-Jabri, 17 years old.

The martyr’s friend wrote:
“We belong to God and to Him we shall return. My friend and sister, Raghad al-Jabri, was martyred with a number of her family members in Rafah after her displacement from Khan Yunis. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, the best disposer of affairs. What did this girl do to deserve to be killed, especially since she had no legs? She had dreams and aspirations, and this occupation killed her and killed her dreams. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, and we are consoled by knowing that you are now with God, Raghad. You have left us, and God will take revenge on whoever did this to you.

Date of citation: December 11, 2023.”

الشهيدة الطفلة رغد أحمد نعيم الجبري، 17 سنة.
كتبت صديقة الشهيدة:
ان لله وانا اليه راجعون استشهاد صديقتي واختي رغد الجبري مع عدد من افراد اسرتها في رفح بعد ان نزحت من خانيونس حسبي الله ونعم وكيل ماذا فعلت بهم هذه الفتاة ليقومو بقتلها وهي مبتورة القدمين كان لها احلام و امنيات فقام هذا الاحتلال بقتلها و قتل احلامها حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل نحتسبكي عند الله من، هيك رحتي وتركتينا يا رغد.
تاريخ الإستشهاد: 11/12/2023

Raghad Ahmed Naeem Al-Jabri

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