Rahaf Mohammad AlSaqqa AbuZuhair

رهف محمد السقا أبو زهير Rahaf Mohammad AlSaqqa AbuZuhair
رهف محمد السقا أبو زهير Rahaf Mohammad AlSaqqa AbuZuhair

رهف محمد السقا أبو زهير

Engineer Mohammad alSaqqa Abu Zuhair has left, five days ago, with his family, heading towards the south through what is known as the “corridor.” They were targeted by the tanks of the criminal occupier, and Mohammad became a martyr with his beautiful daughter, Rahaf. On 12-11-2023

غادر المهندس محمد السقا أبو زهير، قبل خمسة أيام، مع عائلته متجهًا نحو الجنوب عبر ما يُعرف بـ “الممر” فاستهدفهم دبابات المحتل المجرم، وارتقى محمد شهيدًا معه طفلته الجميلة رهف
يوم 12-11-2023

Rahaf Mohammad AlSaqqa AbuZuhair

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