Mohammad Malik Shabir

محمد مالك شبير Mohammad Malik Shabir
محمد مالك شبير Mohammad Malik Shabir

The child martyr, Mohammad Malik Shabir, 17 years old.
Mohammad was martyred after he was sniped by the occupation while on his way to Al-Shifa Hospital after surviving the bombing of the house to which he was displaced with his family. Mohammad was an outstanding student in high school, “scientific section,” and his wish was to become a doctor to help the people of his country. He memorized most of the Quran before his martyrdom, and was about to complete the entire memorization. Everyone who knew Mohammad described him as having good morals. He was helpful to everyone around him, especially his grandfather and grandmother. He watched soccer, as it was one of his hobbies, and he wished to personally watch a Real Madrid or Liverpool match. Date of martyrdom 11/12/2023

الشهيد الطفل محمد مالك شبير، 17 سنة.
استشهد محمد بعد ان تم قنصه من قبل الاحتلال اثناء توجهه الى مستشفى الشفاء بعد ان نجى من قصف البيت الذي كان نازحا اليه مع اهله. كان محمد طالبًا متفوّقًا في مرحلة الثانوية العامة “القسم العلمي”، كانت أمنيته أن يصبح طبيبًا لمساعدة أهل بلده. حفظ معظم كتاب الله قبل استشهاده، وكان على وشك إكمال الحفظ كاملًا. كلّ من عرف محمد وصفه بحسن الخلق، كان خدومًا لكل من حوله وخصوصًا جده وجدته. كان متابعًا لكرة القدم، إذ كانت من إحدى هوياته، حيث كان يتمنى أن يشاهد شخصيًّا مباراة لفريق ريال مدريد او ليڤربول. تاريخ الاستشهاد ١٢-١١-٢٠٢٣

Mohammad Malik Shabir

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