Omar Ismail Omar Sharaf

عمر إسماعيل عمر شرف Ismail Omar Sharaf
عمر إسماعيل عمر شرف Ismail Omar Sharaf

عمر إسماعيل عمر شرف

This man’s name is (Ismail Omar Sharaf)!

He posted this picture a day before Eid al-Adha and wrote, “Eid has two holidays.”

God blessed him with his first child and his crown prince after (17 years) of patience and waiting!!!

The occupation only killed Omar! They killed his mother and father, their dreams, and their joy over Omar, who had not yet completed his first year, and his arrival after many years of longing.

هاد الرجل اسمه ( إسماعيل عمر شرف) !
نزل هالصورة قبل عيد الأضحى بيوم وكتب ” العيد عيدين ”
حيث رزقه الله طفله الأول وولي عهده بعد ( 17 عاما ) من الصبر والانتظار !!!
الاحتلال ما قتل عمر وبس !
قتلوا امه وابوه وأحلامهم وفرحتهم بعمر الذي لم يُكمل عامه الاول وقدومه بعد سنين طويلة من الشوق

Omar Ismail Omar Sharaf

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