Hamza Mahmoud Fathi AlShatli

Hamza Mahmoud Fathi AlShatli
Hamza Mahmoud Fathi AlShatli

ID: 427594072
حمزة محمود فتحي الشطلي

Hamza was 14 years old and still under the rubble!

Mahmoud Fathi Abdullah Al-Shatly “Abu Hamza”, and his wife and four children were present when Al Awad’s house in Nusairat camp was targetted.

His two kids Jouri and Sajid arrived at Al-Aqsa Hospital. Mahmoud, his wife, his son Hamza and his daughter Batoul are still under the rubble as martyrs.



Hamza Mahmoud Fathi AlShatli
Hamza Mahmoud Fathi AlShatli

Hamza Mahmoud Fathi AlShatli

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