Mohammad Youssef Mohammad AlKhatib

محمد يوسف محمد الخطيب Mohammad Youssef Mohammad AlKhatib
محمد يوسف محمد الخطيب Mohammad Youssef Mohammad AlKhatib

ID: 405174509

محمد يوسف محمد الخطيب Mohammad Youssef Mohammad AlKhatib

The martyr Mohammad Youssef AlKhatib (24 years old):

He graduated last year from the College of Engineering, majoring in software engineering. He loved his specialty very much and worked hard to develop himself and gain more experience in his field. He was an artist who painted on the wall, and he was creative in drawing on paper. His friends always asked him, “When will you draw us, Mohammad?” Mohammad loves his mother a lot, who was martyred with him. He loves to always stay next to her and work to please her at all times. He loves his friends very much, and serves them in everything, and everyone loves him. He was friendly, funny, and loved to joke with everyone. He was good at cooking, loved to cook for his friends, and was very happy when his food was praised. Mohammad has a big dream, like other martyrs, to work in his specialty and help his family in a better life. Mohammad and his mother were martyred on 10-24-2023, when their safe house was bombed for no reason! #Gaza_martyrs

‏الشهيد محمد يوسف الخطيب (24 عامًا)..

‏تخرج العام الماضي من كلية الهندسة، تخصص هندسة برمجيات، كان يحب تخصصه كتيرا ويعمل بجد لتطوير نفسه وكسب المزيد من الخبرة في مجاله.
‏كان فنانًا يرسم على الحائط، وهو مبدع في الرسم الورقي، يسأله أصحابه دومًا “متى سترسمنا يا محمد؟”.
‏محمد يحب والدته التي استشهدت معه كثيرًا، يحب أن يبقى بجوارها دائمًا ويعمل على رضاها في كل وقت.
‏يحب أصدقاءه جدًا، ويخدمهم في كل شيء والجميع يحبه.
‏كان ودودًا، ضحوكًا، يحبُ المزاح مع الجميع.. يُتقن الطبخ ويحب أن يطبخ لاصدقاءه ويسعد كتيرًا عندما يُمدح طعامه.
‏لمحمد حلمٌ كبير مثل باقي الشهداء، أن يعمل بتخصصه ويساعد أسرته في حياة افضل.. وقد استشهد محمد ووالدته في 24-10-2023، من في قصف منزلهم الآمن دون سبب!

‏⁧ #شهداء_غزة ⁩

Mohammad Youssef Mohammad AlKhatib

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