Ezzedine Hegazy

عز الدين حجازي Ezzedine Hegazy
عز الدين حجازي Ezzedine Hegazy

عز الدين حجازي

Martyr Ezzedine Hegazy, 16 years old The master memorizer of sixty chapters, the participant in the elite of memorization, congratulations to you, bearer of the Qur’an… for bearing witness for the sake of God and memorizing His Noble Book. Congratulations to you, you have attained the two good deeds. He, his mother, his brothers, his uncle, his cousins, and his grandmother were martyred after their displacement to the south, which the occupation said were “safe areas.” The occupation killed them on 10/18/2023.

الشهيد عز الدين حجازي، 16 عامًا
الحافظ المتقن لستّين حزبًا، المشارك في صفوة الحفاظ، هنيئًا لك يا حامل القرآن.. بالشهادة في سبيل الله وحفظ كتابه الكريم، هنيئًا لك، قد نلت الحسنيين.
استشهد هو وأمه وإخوته وخاله وأولاد خاله وجدته، بعد نزوحهم إلى الجنوب الذي قال عنه الاحتلال أنه “مناطق آمنة”.
قتلهم الاحتلال في 18/10/2023.

Ezzedine Hegazy

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